Picture of Godakanda Arachchi

Godakanda Arachchi

Professional Vaastu Consultant in Sri Lanka

I embarked on a Vaastu Science Career, in 1984 and since offered my Services to Design over 700 Houses & Commercial Buildings, using the Scientific Techniques of Vaastu, to the entire satisfaction of my Clients, which is a Testimony, of my Services, offered to the General Public of Sri Lanka & those Living in Foreign Countries.

My Experience had helped me immensely, to publish many Books & Articles in the Print Media, on Vaastu Science. I’ve been interviewed by many Leading Television Channels of Sri Lanka, in the recent past. I impart knowledge, in the Subject Area, by conducting Lectures, at my Institute in Sri Lanka. I wish to share my knowledge to help enhance the Lifestyles of People, around the Globe.

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